About our group

Global Fiduciary and Asset Management companies, with the simple abbreviation GFAM are a group of companies that consist, jointly, an investment platform which participates actively in the development of new investments, related to the hydrogen and generally the clean energy sector, in the eastern European countries and the countries of South Europe. Currently the holding basis is in the UK and in Luxembourg but the actual management operations are located in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The investment platform has raised significant funds from European investors, who foresee the future of clean energy to the use of hydrogen as a fuel with zero emissions to the atmosphere. For confidentiality reasons, the platform is unable to disclose publicly the amounts that have been raised or committed.

Operation principles

The GFAM investment platform operates, under an internal code of ethics, which excludes any action related to corruption or support of unethical decisions. Any and all partners of GFAM enter to the internal code of ethics in order to agree with the same principles, set by the investors of GFAM.

The Asset Management Team

The asset management team reports to the investors, four times per year, including financial pre-audited statements of all the operations where GFAM is a shareholder.

The managing partners

The managing partners report to the investment committee, based in Luxembourg, on a weekly and monthly basis.

The selection of the investments

The selection of the investments is based on the following parameters: strategic location and use; expected ROI and IRR; team which manages the investment.  

Investment principles

GFAM investment platform targets the following sectors, for investing its equity:

Production facilities for blue and green hydrogen, in the Eastern and Central European regions.

Infrastructure for the storage and distribution of hydrogen in the entire Southeastern region, in Poland, in Moldova, Ukraine, Baltics, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, and Cyprus.

RES (renewables) development and acquisition for the support of the H2 production activities.

The GFAM investment platform targets controlling shareholding interest with the ability to invest in successful and high-quality management schemes and individuals.

The GFAM investment platform targets to joint ventures with existing fossil fuel producers and operators in the dedicated region of investing.

The GFAM investment platform targets also, joint venture structures with renewable energy management companies in the region of operations and the acquisition of RES facilities (hydro, wind, solar, sea wave) for the electricity production which will be used for “green” hydrolysis facilities. Principally, GFAM targets ownership and control in all assets of the group.

Investment region

The investment region of the GFAM investment platform includes, geographically all continental and Eastern/South European region, from the Baltics up to Greece and Cyprus. It also includes Ukraine and Moldova.

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